Study in Australia
Student Visa Subclass 500
Student Visa subclass 500, ELICOS Visa, School Student Visa, Vocational Education And Training Visa, Higher Education Visa, Training And Research Visa, Postgraduate Research Student Visa, Non Award Student Visa

Things to consider before you choose a course to Study
Reason. When selecting your course always bear in mind the reason that you are intending to study - is it to find a pathway to staying in Australia, to allow you to earn some money and maybe develop your English skills or to find employment back home. If you think there is the possiblility of wanting to stay in Australia after your study, it is important to talk to an Australian Migration Agent to help you select the appropriate course of study. This may save you many thousands of dollars and years of your time!
GTE. Providing a detailed and believable "Genuine Temporary Entrant Statement" with your visa is critical to the success of your visa application. Address all of the requirements of the Ministerial Guidelines and the Migration Regulations to maximise your chance of success.
Documentation. The documentation that you need to provide with your visa application changes according to your country of citizenship and the course provider that you have selected. Be sure to check that you provide all of the required documentation to avoid being refused.
English Language. Each course provider will stipulate a minimum level of English before they will permit you to commence your course of Study. Talk to us about packaging English study with your primary course so as to satisfy their requirements.
Agent Referrals. We can independently suggest some of the best Education Agents located in Australia. These are people that we have come into contact with and seen operate - we are happy to refer these people to you. We receive no commission for these referrals, it is just another way that we can assist you.
Studying in Australia - Student Visa's
From 1 July 2016 the Simplified Student Visa Framework came into effect. Presently, all of the previous student visa's are consolidated into a single subclass 500 student visa.
The Simplified Student Visa Framework uses the immigration risk of the CRICOS registered Australian educational institution and the immigration risk of the Applicant’s country to determine:
The level of documentation to be provided in support of the Student Visa Application,
The level of Financial capacity required by the student,
The English language threshold and,
The likelihood of success of the application.
Minimum age for this visa is 6 yrs old (with a Guardian).
Genuine Temporary Entry Requirements for Students
An applicant for a subclass 500 student visa must satisfy the Genuine Temporary Entrant Criteria (GTE) The Genuine Temporary Entrant criteria require consideration of:
Whether the Applicant intends to study in a field unrelated to previous study or work,
The value of the course to the student’s future,
The level of income in the applicant’s home country compared to Australia,
The Applicant’s knowledge of Australia, the intended course of study and the proposed educational institution.
The “rule of thumb” is whether the Student’s circumstances are objectively credible. Failure to satisfy the GTE criteria is likely to lead to a visa refusal.
Bringing Member's of your family with you
The definition of ‘member of the family unit’ has a different definition for student visa applications than for other visa classes - sub regulation1.12(2).
The definition includes a spouse and unmarried dependent child(ren) (of the student or of their spouse) under 18.
Spouse is defined in Regulation 1.15A.
Dependent child under 18 is defined in regulation 1.03.
Note that:
Student (Temporary) (Class TU) visas are listed in regulation 1.15A(2)(d).
This means that if an Student Visa applicant wishes to include a defacto spouse as a secondary applicant, the couple must have cohabited as defacto spouses for at least 12 months immediately before the date of application unless there are ‘compelling and compassionate” circumstances for the grant of the visa.
fiancé(e)s are not included in the definition of ‘member of the family unit’ for applicants for a Student visa.