Bring my Partner to Australia
Partner Visa

Partner Visa (Onshore) Subclass 820/801
These Partner Visas are used where both the partners are located within Australia.
The Subclass 820/801 Partner Visa allows Australian citizens, permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens to sponsor their partner or spouse.
The Partner Visa Subclass 820 visa provides temporary Australian residency and the Subclass 801 provides permanent residency.
The Subclass 801 is typically processed 2 years after the Subclass 820 is granted, although may be fast-tracked where there is a child or if the relationship is longstanding.
An application for the Partner Visa Subclass 820/801 is a Permanent Resident Visa Australia application.

Partner Visa (Offshore) Subclass 309/100
These Partner Visas are used where the spouse or defacto partner is located outside Australia.
The Subclass 309/100 Partner Visa allows the spouse or defacto partner of an Australian citizen, Australian Permanent Resident or eligible New Zealand citizen to enter Australia.
The Subclass 309 visa provides temporary Australian residency and the Subclass 100 is a Permanent Resident Visa Australia Application.
The offshore Partner Visa is otherwise similar to the Partner Visa (Onshore) Subclass 820/801

Prospective Marriage (Fiancee) Visa Subclass 300
The Prospective Marriage Visa (Subclass 300) is used where the spouse or defacto partner is outside Australia and wants to come to Australia to marry their prospective spouse. It is commonly referred to as the "Fiancee Visa"
The Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300 is a temporary visa and is valid for 9 months from the date of visa grant.
Once in Australia you must marry your intended spouse whilst the visa remains valid. then lodge your Partner Visa (Subclasses 820 and 801) application to remain in Australia.
Bring my Partner to Australia
The Partner Visa is your answer to "how can I bring my Partner to Australia?"
To be eligible for a Partner Visa you must be married to, or in a defacto relationship, with an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. You and your partner must show that the relationship is genuine and continuing and that there is a mutual commitment to a shared life to the exclusion of all others. The standard of evidence required to establish that the relationship is genuine and continuing is high.
With the Subclass 820/801 and 309/100 visas, an application is submitted concurrently for the grant of the temporary and permanent visas.The Partner Visa 820 and the Partner Visa 801 are Permanent Resident Visa Australia applications.
The temporary visa is assessed initially and if granted, permits an assessment of the permanent visa, generally two years thereafter. The 2 year waiting period for permanent residence may be waived if at the time of application if:-
You have been in a relationship with your partner for 3 years or more (as a married or defacto partner); or
You and your partner have been in a married or defacto relationship for 2 years and have children.
Sponsorship represents an obligation to support your partner financially and Centrelink does not provide payments whilst on the temporary visa.​