Australian Business & Investment Online Form
Complete this form if you would like Australian National Visa Service to complete a free preliminary assessment of your eligibility for a Business or Investment Visa. Please answer all of the questions accurately. Where you are asked a value in dollars, please convert to AUD$ Our standard response time is within 2 business days.
Personal Details
Your Age
English Language Proficiency
Relationship Status
Your Australian Qualifications
Character and Health
For Business Owners Only. If you are an Investor, Please go to the next section.
Business 1
Business 2
For Investors Only.
For All Enquiries.
Please only provide financial information on assets that are unencumbered, lawfully acquired and that are available for transfer to Australia within a period of two years.
What is the combined value of the business, personal and Investment Assets held by you or you and your spouse?
What amount do you have available to purchase a business and/or invest and to settle you and your family in Australia?