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Visitor Visa Subclass 600

Visitor Visa's Subclass 600, 601 ETA & 651 eVisitor
A variety of options to cater to differing circumstances.
Within the Subclass 600 Visitor Visa, the following streams are specified:
business visitor activities
family sponsored
tour with a registered travel agent from the People’s Republic of China
Extended visiting terms are available for parents of Australian Permanent Residents in certain circumstances.
Talk to us to find out which visa best suits your circumstances.

Working Holiday and Work & Holiday Visa's Subclass 417 & 462
For those aged between 18yrs to 30yrs from specified countries this is your opportunity to work and travel within Australia. Initially this visa is for a term of 12 months but may be extended if you worki in a specified occupation in Regional Australia during the term of your first (and second) visa .
Come experience the Australian lifestyle. Ask us to arrange this for you.

Investor Retirement Visa Subclass 405
Closed to New Applicants from 1 June 2018
For those people looking to spend their retirement years in Australia or perhaps seeking to spend some time with their children or grandchildren.
The Investor Retirement visa is suited to self-funded Retirees capable of making an investment in Australia of between AUD$500,000 - $750,000. This visa may be renewed for further terms prior to expiry.
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